It was All Knees On Track today for our trip to Monument Vets, Redruth. Tiger and Suki had their six week+ post-op review radiographs following bilateral patella luxation surgery and Wedge TPLO for cruciate rupture respectively.

Lucy and Phoebe both had their two week reviews after similar surgeries, big Steve came from City Road Vets, Truro for a rotational TPLO and Ellie had her pre-op assessment, we’ll see her on our next fortnightly visit for kneecap stabilisation surgery.

Our regular visits mean we can follow patients all the way through their recoveries: good for patients, good for clients, and great for us to see their outcomes: and our flat-fee procedures, including revisits and outcome radiographs, mean our clients know what to expect every step of the way.

Happy Pancake Day, one and all – we’re looking forward to ours this evening!

stifle dog x-rays Vet CW Colin Whiting